
  • Author: 조영주
  • ReadingDate: 24.02.14 - 24.02.17


후루룩 읽히는 속도감 있는 소설.
목표에 도달하고 성공을 이뤄낸 삶이 나의 ‘진짜 삶’일 거라고 믿는 우리들에게,
‘네가 살아내고 있는 지금도 너의 삶이지 않니?‘라고 묻는다.

- It’s just I’ve been waiting on this day for my entire life.
I thought I’d feel different.

- I heard this story about a fish.
He swims up to this older fish and says:
“I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean.”
“The ocean?” says the older fish. “That’s what you’re in right now.”
“This?” says the young fish. “This is water. What I want is the ocean.”

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